yuumi asatsu

personality = go my own way like "Big Thunder Mountain" in Tokyo Disneyland.

a dominant hand = both hands.

the staple food = protective foods, café au lait.

favorite dish = yomogi-anpan. (a mugwort's bun baked with bean jam in the middle.)

dislike dish = beer,wine and coffee.

the latest hobby = reading books.

motto = 'stick to my unreasonable demand and stick to social reason.' 'What is "The person concerned" in a mark, "It is Closed to the Public besides the person concerned."!!! Specify it in detail !'

favorite goods = HI-TEC (Pen), a toothbrush ("Francfranc" ) , Project Paper, Kanazawa-wagasa (japanese umbrella made in Kanazawa.)

Please do not use any images ( artworks and photos on my site) on your site without permission.
At least, I hope you e-mail in Japanese me or respective artists before you post it. I can't write back in English.



性格= ビックサンダーマウンテンの様な暴走っぷり。

利き手= 両の手。

主食= 特になし。

好物= よもぎあんぱん。

嫌物= ビールとワインとコーヒー。

最近の趣味= 読書と絵の具の観察。

座右の銘= 「無理が通れば道理も通る」(オリジナル)

愛用の品= HI-TEC(ペン)、 Francfrancの歯ブラシ、 Project Paper、 金沢和傘。
アサツ ユウミ
SEO [PR] 爆速!無料ブログ 無料ホームページ開設 無料ライブ放送